Friday, August 6, 2010

Traveling with the Friday Five

1. Broadway, here I come! I'm so excited to see Promises, Promises while I'm in NYC next week. We were originally going to see the revival of South Pacific but had a last-minute change of plan. We're also going to the Guggenheim Museum, which I really wanted to see the last time I was in NYC but didn't have time for.

2. It's official: I will be touring the White House with my sister and her boyfriend when they come to visit in September. I know this is not technically travel as I drive past the White House every day, but I will take the day off work to spend time with my sister. Plus, I haven't been to the White House since I was 12 years old. Not that anything has changed since then.

3. I'm not going anywhere in October (so don't ask me to, not even over Columbus Day Weekend). The Mid-Atlantic SCBWI Fall Conference is in October, and I'll be busy helping out with that and then making revisions and putting out queries for the rest of the month.

4. Despite plans to participate in NaNoWriMo once again, I'm also going to be at the beach for Thanksgiving. It might be a little cold to go swimming at Virginia Beach, but it's never too cold to sit in the sand with a notebook and write. Plus, I'll be surrounded by adopted family and kids and food. No better brain fodder for a writers than, well, fodder.

5. Less than five months until Christmas. Yes, I'm one of those crazy people who thinks about the holiday five months out. But I can't wait to see my family again, especially since my little brother will be there this year. Just thinking about it makes me want to make a trip to Chicago before then to see everyone. Columbus Day Weekend is open...

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