Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Welcome Back, Bloggers!

It's been one month since my last post. And it was a totally exhausting month. I used those 28 days to prepare my SCBWI WIP Grant application (which goes in the mail tomorrow), get through our big conference for work (which I'm still catching up on work emails I received during that week) and write up a storm (which I actually did). Unfortunately, I also spent the last week of February flat on my back with the worst case of bronchitis and laryngitis I have had in years. In fact, the last time I was that sick was during the great pneumonia debacle three years ago.

Needless to say, I'm happy I stepped away from the blog-o-sphere for that long. I hadn't realized how much time I spend reading other blogs and writing my own posts. But I also missed the connection I have with friends and family through blogs. So if you had a baby or got a publishing deal in the past month, I'm sorry I missed hearing about it, and forgive me for not going back and reading all the posts I missed. That would kind of defeat the purpose of the hiatus.

In the next few weeks, I'll be sharing some new reading lists, spazzing out about writing efforts and maybe posting something worth-while along the way.

So welcome back, fellow bloggers. I look forward to what the next month has to bring.

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